Антикоррупционные реформы в Украине

Третий раунд мониторинга в рамках Стамбульского плана действий по борьбе с коррупцией

Dramatic events in the winter of 2013-2014 in Ukraine significantly effected country’s anti-corruption policy. The kleptocratic regime of ex-president Viktor Yanukovych was toppled by the popular protests. Widespread corruption was one of the main reasons that instigated mass demonstrations. The new, postMaidan administration plegded to eradicate corruption, but has so far failed to deliver convincing results going beynd revision of the legal framework. Although there are promising signs, notably with regard to radical overhaul of anti-corruption institutional landscape. The third round monitoring report on Ukraine takes stock of the developments in the country since previous round of the Istanbul Action Plan monitoring (from beginning of 2011) with special focus on post-Maidan reforms. A number of new recommendations are given to Ukraine, in particular aimed at strengthening enforcement of anti-corruption legislation.

25 Mar 2015 264 pages English Also available in: Russian

https://doi.org/10.1787/69ddd464-en 9789264688636 (PDF)

Author(s): OECD