OECD Working Papers on Insurance and Private Pensions

Selected studies on insurance and private pensions policy prepared for use within the OECD and addressing such policy issues as risk management, governance, types of investments, and benefit protection. This working papers series has been discontinued; it is superseded by ‘OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions’ available via: http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/20797117.


Comparing Aggregate Investment Returns in Privately Managed Pension Funds

An Initial Assessment

This report presents an initial assessment of the financial performance of privately managed pension funds, both mandatory and voluntary, in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe, as well as selected OECD countries. It provides a comparative description of private pension funds in the 23 countries included in the report, examining the value assets under management, the weight of investments in the economy and the allocation of investments among the various asset categories and financial instruments available. The report also presents a new dataset on the investment performance achieved by the privately managed pension funds, including the annual real rates of return, the annual geometric average of real returns, as well as summary statistics of these returns for all countries for the period for which data is available.


Keywords: defined contribution, pension plan, personal plans, investment regulation, asset valuation, occupational plans, pension fund, defined benefit, asset allocation, investment return
JEL: G23: Financial Economics / Financial Institutions and Services / Non-bank Financial Institutions; Financial Instruments; Institutional Investors; G28: Financial Economics / Financial Institutions and Services / Financial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and Regulation
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