Housing Finance Markets in Transition Economies

Trends and Challenges

image of Housing Finance Markets in Transition Economies

Housing finance markets in Central and Eastern European countries are typically small in scale and under-developed, though it is generally recognised that fostering housing finance markets contributes to economic development and brings social benefits to the public.  This book presents a comparative study on housing finance markets in the Central and Eastern European countries. It is based on an OECD market survey conducted in 2004 and on selected country data prepared for the OECD workshop on housing finance in transition economies held in December 2004.  It reports on the progress and challenges in housing finance markets in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine.



The objective of this paper is three-fold: 1) investigate current conditions of housing and housing finance markets in transition economies; 2) assess their market potential compared to one another and to the advanced EU countries (EU15 countries); and 3) provide some thoughts for policy makers and for entrepreneurs based on lessons from this research.


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