Mobilising Finance for Climate Action in Georgia

image of Mobilising Finance for Climate Action in Georgia

This report discusses key issues surrounding finance mobilisation for achieving Georgia’s climate change and green growth targets, and new investment opportunities for developing its capital market. The report focuses particularly on finance for climate change mitigation from various sources – private and public, national and international – but remains relevant for other issues around the country’s green growth agenda, such as energy productivity, air pollution prevention, climate change adaptation, better waste management, conservation of natural resources, and the technologies and innovations that help tackle these issues.


Aligning broader enabling conditions for investments with Georgia's climate action

Scaling up finance for climate action in Georgia requires a broader set of conditions that enable further finance to flow to achieve the country’s long-term goals. This chapter reviews a range of policies that directly or indirectly influence investment conditions to mobilise such finance in Georgia. It examines enabling conditions on the following areas: financial market design; provision of risk mitigation instruments; public funding entities, and competition (especially in the electricity sector). The chapter also briefly discusses gaps in information, awareness and capacity, and potential options to bridge them. Filling these gaps is also an important enabling condition on both demand and supply sides of finance.


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