OECD Competition Assessment Reviews: Brazil

image of OECD Competition Assessment Reviews: Brazil

This review provides an analysis of regulatory barriers to competition in Brazil, specifically in the ports and civil aviation sectors, and makes recommendations for Brazilian authorities to mitigate harm to competition and foster long-lasting growth. It is based on a competition assessment conducted by the OECD in co-operation with the Brazilian Competition Authority (CADE) identifying rules and regulations that may hinder the competitive and efficient functioning of markets in the two sectors under review. The review also includes estimates of the impact that the implementation of certain specific recommendations could have on the economy.

English Also available in: Portuguese

Ports sector

This chapter provides an economic, institutional, and legal overview of the ports sector in Brazil. The water transport sector has a fundamental role in Brazil’s foreign trade and in its economic development: it is responsible for the flow of more than 98% of Brazilian exports and more than 92% of imports in terms of volume. Three main bodies are responsible for the creation of policies and guidelines for the port sector, while specific state‑owned enterprises are responsible for exercising the functions of port authorities in public ports, and the Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários as an independent regulatory agency is in charge of implementing the Ministry’s policies for ports and waterways.

English Also available in: Portuguese

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