OECD Investment Policy Review: Bulgaria

image of OECD Investment Policy Review: Bulgaria

This review assesses the climate for domestic and foreign investment in Bulgaria and discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the government of Bulgaria in its reform efforts. Capitalising on the OECD Policy Framework for Investment, the review includes chapters on trends in foreign investment and their socio-economic benefits, foreign investor entry and operations, the legal and institutional framework for investment protection, investment promotion and facilitation, public governance, and policies to promote and enable responsible business conduct. The review then highlights potential reform priorities to help Bulgaria fulfil development ambitions that align with its commitment to comply with the principles of openness, transparency and non-discrimination as a new Adherent to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises.


The framework for investment in Bulgaria

This chapter provides an overview of the legal framework for starting and expanding a business in Bulgaria. Particular attention is given to the conditions Bulgaria imposes on the entry of foreign investors and the extent it provides them national treatment once they are established. The chapter also benchmarks Bulgaria’s overall openness to investment, an area where the country performs well.


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