OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Thailand

image of OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Thailand

Thailand has had a remarkable economic development trajectory over the past 60 years and foreign direct investment (FDI) has been pivotal in this success. Thailand was one of the first movers in opening up to manufacturing FDI and in establishing proactive investment promotion and facilitation policies. While challenges remain in some areas of responsible business conduct, there is strong political will to address them. Thailand aspires to become a high income economy by 2037 by upgrading to a value based green economy. Inward FDI will play a prominent role in achieving this goal but this requires a concerted effort to reform the investment climate to remain an attractive host to foreign investment and to benefit to the full extent from that investment. While the COVID-19 crisis might temporarily delay progress, the policy recommendations in this review draw attention to potential reform priorities to help Thailand fulfil its development ambitions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable recovery from the pandemic.


Executive Summary

Thailand has had an impressive economic development trajectory over the past decades. Foreign direct investment (FDI) and integration in global value chains (GVCs) have been important enablers of this success. Inward FDI’s share in GDP has increased to above 50% today. The emerging global economic crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to bring this long period of growth to a sudden halt. According to the OECD, the economy is predicted to contract by approximately 7% in 2020, where exports and FDI are likely to slow even more. Thailand’s past experience of severe floods in 2011, which also resulted in a sudden – but only temporary – interruption of GVC networks, provides some hope that Thailand’s GVC integration is quite resilient.


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