OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Zambia 2012

image of OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Zambia 2012

OECD's review of investment policy in Zambia reviews the country's investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation, trade and competition policy, tax policy, corporate governance, policies for promoting responsible business conduct, infrastructure development and other aspects of the policy framework for investment.


Policies for Promoting Responsible Business Conduct

Zambia’s economy has shown relatively strong performance since the 1990s, and the recently launched private sector development reforms are expected to help maintain a positive momentum. The government limits its direct involvement in business to strategic investments deemed critical for the delivery of public goals and services, and seeks to maintain high standards of consumer protection. Moreover it engages the private sector on policy and regulatory reforms. Yet, clearly formulated and well-implemented RBC policies should be considered to help raise the contribution to society of strongly performing sectors of the economy. This chapter highlights this progress, and concludes that the main remaining challenges are those of domesticating international practices and strengthening regulatory capacities.


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