Towards Improved Retirement Savings Outcomes for Women

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Labour market inequalities are well-known to be the main drivers of the gender pension gap. This publication focuses on helping governments find solutions for retirement savings arrangements that do not further exacerbate these inequalities. This study first analyses why the gender pension gap exists and sheds light on some of the behavioural and cultural factors that contribute to these inequalities. Country case studies assess how demographics, labour markets and other factors may affect gaps in pension coverage, assets and entitlements. The study then explores how the design of retirement savings plans affects men and women differently. Finally, it provides policy options to improve retirement savings outcomes for women and to help close the gender pension gap.



The gender pension gap, or the difference in retirement income that men and women receive, remains substantial at 26 per cent on average in the OECD. It is a clear result and signal of gender inequalities along the life cycle, despite the significant progress made to reduce them in pension systems over the last decades. Retirement savings arrangements are playing a growing role in this gender pension gap.


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