OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Bulgaria 2000

OECD's 2000 review of Bulgaria's agricultural policies. It finds that with open trade and few price-distorting policies, Bulgaria is well on the route to laying down a sound foundation for improving the efficiency and competitiveness of its agro-food sector in preparation for accession to the European Union. However, a number of challenges remain. These include: establishing a functioning land market, reducing excess capacity in the food processing sector and encouraging investment in the agro-food industry. Another high priority is to accelerate economic growth and the development of off-farm employment opportunities for those leaving agriculture.

The Review analyses developments since the 40-year monopoly of the communist party ended in 1989. It evaluates key structural issues, examines emerging policy developments and provides detailed estimates of support to agriculture, using the OECD’s Producer and Consumer Support Estimates (PSEs/CSEs). The study also discusses current policy options for Bulgarian agriculture within the framework of the EU’s Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (SAPARD). For those involved in central and eastern European agriculture and agro-food policies, markets and trade, the Review offers unique information and analysis. Policy-makers, businesses and researchers will find it an invaluable reference for a long time to come.

21 déc. 2000 224 pages Anglais Egalement disponible en : Français

https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264189768-en 9789264189768 (PDF)

Auteur(s) : OCDE