International Engagement in Fragile States

Can't We Do Better?

image of International Engagement in Fragile States
The Monitoring Survey of the Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations provides one of the only sources of evidence of development impact in fragile and conflict-affected states. Based on 13 national consultations and using a mixed methods approach, the survey has catalysed dialogue among national and international stakeholders and contributed to deepening consensus on key goals and priorities. This report synthesises main findings and recommendations from across these 13 countries, providing evidence from the ground of what works and what doesn’t.

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Recognise the links between political, security and development objectives

THIS PRINCIPLE RECOGNISES THAT INCREASING RESILIENCE IN FRAGILE STATES requires political, security and development objectives to be addressed in an integrated manner. Development partners need to adopt a whole-of-government approach. They also need to be able to grasp what trade-offs exist between political, security and development objectives, as well as what the consequences of such trade-offs might be.

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