2008 OECD Economic Surveys: Korea 2008

image of OECD Economic Surveys: Korea 2008

This 2008 edition of OECD's periodic review of Korea's economy looks at key challenges including reforming the tax system, boosting productivity in the services sector, and sustaining growth by reforming labour markets and improving education.

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Executive summary

Korea has been hard-hit by the commodity price shock and the global financial crisis, which have slowed economic activity and pushed up inflation. The terms-of-trade loss reduced national income, thus damping domestic demand, while the slowdown in world trade has moderated Korea’s export growth. Moreover, the sharp exchange rate depreciation and the intensification of the global financial market crisis have further dimmed the outlook. Although the recent fiscal stimulus is likely to help support growth, an economic rebound depends on a recovery in the world economy. In addition to these short-term difficulties, Korea faces a number of challenges to sustaining economic growth over the medium term, notably tax reform, enhancing service sector productivity growth and reforming the labour market and education system.

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