Teaching in Focus

Teaching in Focus policy briefs use data from the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) to discuss issues relevant to teachers and teacher policies in a concise, user-friendly way.

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Foreign language teachers as ambassadors of multilingualism and international exchange

Evidence from TALIS 2018

In today’s world, globalisation, technological innovation and human migration have made interactions between people from different countries and cultures almost inevitable. In this context, being able to communicate in more than one language has become a key skill with important economic benefits for individuals and economies. However, the relevance of learning other languages goes beyond improving communication: it also promotes the understanding of the complexity of cultures and languages and allows students to learn about other visions of the world. These are important prerequisites for active participation in a globalised world. Therefore, learning a foreign language can act as a powerful tool to increase intercultural skills, enhance global co-operation and discover new and innovative ways of thinking and working together. Being aware of these benefits, many countries are placing increased emphasis on foreign language teaching.

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JEL: I29: Health, Education, and Welfare / Education and Research Institutions / Education: Other
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