OECD Review of Well-being Policies and Practices in Dubai’s Private School Sector

In recent years, the Emirate of Dubai has been placing a stronger emphasis on people’s well-being with the aim of making Dubai “an inclusive and cohesive society (…) that is the preferred place to live, work and visit and a pivotal hub in the global economy”. Within the education sector, KHDA and private schools have introduced a number of initiatives to help raise awareness, measure and support students’ and staff’s well-being. Given the central role education and educators have in fostering and supporting empowered, healthy and happy communities, these interventions hold great potential.

This report analyses the well-being policies and practices that KHDA and schools have implemented in Dubai’s private school sector. In order to fulfil this objective, the OECD has taken a holistic picture view of well-being in education, which is discussed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 looks at Dubai’s private schools as a whole, focusing on the school leadership and other key school staff. Chapter 4 focuses on teachers and their well-being, an issue that has been relatively overlooked until recently. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses student well-being and empowerment.

15 déc. 2021 183 pages Anglais

https://doi.org/10.1787/0e9aa172-en 9789264182820 (EPUB) 9789264433830 (PDF)

Auteur(s) : OCDE