Compilation and Comparison of Guidelines Related to Exposure to Nanomaterials in Laboratories

This document aims to provide an overview of recently published guidelines regarding the usage of nanomaterials on a laboratory scale. It is intended to perform a compilation of exposure mitigation guidelines relating to laboratories that handle nanomaterials. This issue is of great importance since there are no globally standardized protection measures determined for nanomaterials. The insight into the state of the art of good practice for nanomaterials in laboratories may not only be important for research laboratories, but it can furthermore be of great interest to small industrial enterprises, which produce or process nanomaterials on a laboratory scale. This compilation is categorised by 1) specific nanomaterial guidelines relating to laboratories? 2) general nanomaterial guidelines with regards/ applicable to laboratories, as well as 3) general laboratory guidelines with regards/applicable to nanomaterial.

01 déc. 2010 81 pages Anglais 9789264863675 (PDF)

Auteur(s) : OCDE