OECD Environment Working Papers

Cette série d’études porte sur des questions relatives à l’environnement . Elle est destinée à un large public. Il s’agit généralement d’un travail collectif, mais les noms des principaux auteurs sont cités. Ces documents existent uniquement en version originale – anglais ou français – et sont assortis d’un résumé dans l’autre langue.


Conducting economic valuation surveys during extreme events

There is no guidance on how to deal with the effects of catastrophic events, like the COVID-19 pandemic, on stated preference survey responses, despite the possible impact such events can have on stated values and survey responses. This paper provides a concise analysis of the likely effects of extreme events on stated preference surveys, focusing on the validity and temporal stability of estimated values, and offers a set of recommendations. These recommendations can also be of use for designing other types of household and individual surveys, beyond economic valuation surveys.


Mots-clés: Choice experiment, Nonmarket valuation, Extreme events, Survey, Catastrophic events, Questionnaire, Guidelines, Choice modelling, Contingent valuation, COVID-19, Stated preference
JEL: H41: Public Economics / Publicly Provided Goods / Public Goods; Q51: Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics / Environmental Economics / Valuation of Environmental Effects; C83: Mathematical and Quantitative Methods / Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs / Survey Methods; Sampling Methods
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