Documents de travail de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance publique

Sélection d’études sur la gouvernance publique. Ces études analysent les pensions, le vieillissement, la gestion, les salaires et la décentralisation du secteur public.


Deliberative democracy in Lebanon

Prospects for democratic innovation

This paper explores the opportunities and challenges linked to a possible use of deliberative democracy processes in Lebanon. It looks at the viability and feasibility of such initiatives, which are not prevalent in the country, by identifying the main impediments to their initiation and implementation, the different formats they could take, and the expected impact. It discusses how deliberative democracy could complement and diversify the democratic tools available to Lebanese actors and thus strengthen citizens’ ability to participate in public life. The aim of the paper is to encourage an initial discussion on this topic, raise awareness about its potential to contribute to democratic governance and respond to the demand of Lebanese actors interested in pursuing deliberative democracy efforts.


Mots-clés: democracy, deliberation
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