Documents de travail de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance publique

Sélection d’études sur la gouvernance publique. Ces études analysent les pensions, le vieillissement, la gestion, les salaires et la décentralisation du secteur public.


Next generation diversity and inclusion policies in the public service

Ensuring public services reflect the societies they serve

Embracing a policy and culture of diversity and inclusion (D&I) is increasingly considered the norm for public services across the OECD. A growing number of countries acknowledge how diversity has the potential to improve service delivery to citizens and boost performance through greater innovation and employee engagement. But, while some improvements have been made over time, progress has remained slow. In most public services, pay gaps for the same positions persist; the representation - particularly at senior levels of women, visible minorities and people with disabilities - remains markedly lower than in the general population; and in employee surveys, levels of perceived harassment and bullying remain higher than average for certain demographic groups. In many OECD member countries, a new generation of D&I policies is being developed to cultivate a culture of inclusion. The present Working Paper examines how public administrations are addressing this challenge, highlighting good practices in areas such as inclusive leadership models, the use of HR analytics and behavioural approaches to design and implement D&I policies. It also identifies governance mechanisms and tools for managers and organisations to help ensure coherence and accountability for D&I goals. The drive for diversity and inclusion will always be a moving target; public services will need to continually assess, adapt, and strive for public services that reflect the changing societies that they serve.


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