OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers

The OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Programme Papers present innovative ideas and practical examples on how to boost local development and job creation. A wide range of topics are addressed, such as employment and skills; entrepreneurship; the social economy and social innovation; culture; and local capacity building, among others. The series highlights in particular policies to support disadvantaged places and people, such as the low skilled, the unemployed, migrants, youth and seniors.

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Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development in Andalusia, Spain

Andalusia has experienced remarkable growth over the last decades, only halted by the recent economic crisis. The challenge today is to renew with the "prodigious decade" (mid 1990s-mid 2000s) of Andalusia’s development, which will require endogenous development through entrepreneurship and SME growth. This report analyses Andalusia’s capacity to support entrepreneurship and SME development and how such capacity is affected by local policies. It also identifies the challenges faced by new and small firms in growing; analyses the set of local policies for entrepreneurship and SMEs; detects policy gaps; and provides recommendations to fill such gaps and improve current policies. Best practices from other OECD countries corroborate the recommendations and complement the report.


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