Dernière édition

The OECD STAN Database for Industrial Analysis

1978/1997 1998 Edition

The Structural Analysis Industrial STAN database covers 49 manufacturing sectors in 22 OECD countries from 1978 to 1997, thereby providing some of the most complete international data on industrial activity available to date. STAN contains estimates comparable with national accounts for the following measures of industrial activity: production, value added (at current and constant prices), gross fixed capital formation, number engaged, labour compensation, exports and imports.

Issued every year, this publication provides a useful tool for international economic research and analysis. It reflects general trends and highlights inter-industry relationships, permits the construction of a wide range of industrial indicators (for example, shifting shares of output and employment by industry, investment per worker, import penetration) and enables modelling exercises at a detailed industrial level.

16 mars 1999 372 pages Anglais, Français 9789264072572 (PDF)

Auteur(s) : OECD