Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repositories

An Analysis of Costs

Agence pour l'Energie Nucléaire

Low-level radioactive waste (LLW) arises in the normal operation of nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities, as well as from the use of radioactive isotopes in medicine, industry and agriculture. This report sets out the costs of operating disposal sites for LLW in OECD countries, as well as the factors that may affect the costs of sites being developed. This publication will be of special interest to experts in the field of radioactive waste management and economics of the nuclear fuel cycle.

08 févr. 1999 180 pages Anglais Egalement disponible en : Français

https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264172029-en 9789264172029 (PDF)

Auteur(s) : OCDE et Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire