Measuring the Digital Transformation
A Roadmap for the Future
Measuring the Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future provides new insights into the state of the digital transformation by mapping indicators across a range of areas – from education and innovation, to trade and economic and social outcomes – against current digital policy issues, as presented in Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives. In so doing, it identifies gaps in the current measurement framework, assesses progress made towards filling these gaps and sets-out a forward-looking measurement roadmap. The goal is to expand the evidence base, as a means to lay the ground for more robust policies for growth and well-being in the digital era.
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Business capabilities
Access to, and the ability to use, ICTs are increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. In 2017, on average, around 12% of workers were in occupations involving a high frequency of ICT, underlining the high ICT content of these jobs. Furthermore, many additional jobs involve at least some ICT tasks. The share of workers in ICT-intensive occupations increased in almost all countries from between 2011 to and 2017. In the United Kingdom, the United States and Luxembourg, over 16% of workers are now in ICT-intensive occupations.
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