OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2004

image of OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2004

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2004 provides a comprehensive review of important trends and developments in science and innovation in OECD countries. Touching on themes central to ongoing policy development, the book examines the role of public/private partnerships in stimulating innovation, efforts to promote innovation in the service sector, global challenges to the supply of human resources for science and technology, and the contributions of multinational enterprises to productivity growth and innovation. A statistical annex provides up-to-date figures on R&D funding, patents, researchers and other indicators of innovative performance.

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Public/Private Partnerships for Innovations

Public/private partnerships (P/PPs) offer a framework for the public and the private sectors to join forces in areas in which they have complementary interests but cannot act as efficiently alone. They are increasingly popular in research and development (R&D) because they can effectively fill gaps in innovation systems, increase the efficiency of government policy in addressing market failures that affect innovation processes and...


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