A Review of Indonesian Emigrants

image of A Review of Indonesian Emigrants

In recent years, Indonesia has undergone major economic, social and political transformations. Given the significant emigration of the Indonesian population and the recognition of the contributions of the diaspora, Indonesian authorities are seeking to better understand this pool of talent residing abroad, which has great potential to contribute to the economic and social development of Indonesia. This review provides the first comprehensive portrait of the Indonesian diaspora in OECD countries. By profiling Indonesian emigrants, this review aims to strengthen knowledge about this community and thus help to consolidate the relevance of the policies deployed by Indonesia towards its emigrants.


Number of Indonesian emigrants and their socio-demographic characteristics

This chapter provides an overview of the number of Indonesian emigrants living in OECD countries and selected non-OECD economies and its evolution since the beginning of the 2000s. The chapter further discusses their socio-demographic characteristics – gender, educational attainment, and citizenship status, across destination countries. Emigrants from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the foreign-born populations living in OECD countries are used as comparison groups. The regional distribution of Indonesian emigrants in the main OECD destination countries is also presented. This chapter shows that Indonesian emigrants’ socio-demographic characteristics vary greatly across destination countries, reflecting diverse migration patterns and processes of migration.


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