Les podcasts de l'OCDE
Comment pouvons-nous tous contribuer à la mise en place de politiques meilleures pour une vie meilleure ? En seulement 15 minutes, nous vous proposons des entretiens éclairés avec des experts de l'OCDE et d’ailleurs sur des défis aussi urgents que les inégalités et la croissance inclusive, la transformation numérique, les changements sociaux, l'environnement, la coopération internationale, etc.
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Gordon Brown shares how far we have come on the fight against tax evasion
The global fight against tax evasion has been one of the major success stories of international co-operation over the past decade, leading to new global transparency standards and more than 100 billion euros in additional revenues for countries worldwide. To mark the 10th anniversary of the Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, which brings together more than 150 countries, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown explains how the G20 launched the crackdown on bank secrecy and tax evasion, and the challenges that remain.
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All podcasts express the opinions of the interview subjects and do not necessarily represent the official views of the OECD and/or OECD Member countries.