A New World Map in Textiles and Clothing

Adjusting to Change

In light of the elimination of quantitative import restrictions under the WTO at the end of 2004, A New World Map in Textiles and Clothing identifies the most recent market developments throughout the entire supply chain, from natural fibres to retail distribution. It outlines the policy and regulatory challenges in the fields of trade, labour adjustment, technology and innovation, and suggests a policy framework to help deal effectively with such changes as well as to capitalise on the trade opportunities that are being created through improved market access.

“A highly useful contribution to the debate on policy challenges in textiles and clothing, the book stands out from the others in recognising the influence that trade policy measures continue to exert on investment and production decisions, and in providing a synthesis of key market developments and policy issues.”

Munir Ahmad, Executive Director, International Textiles and Clothing Bureau

“Policy makers in all textile and clothing trading countries would be wise to heed the sound advice proffered in this comprehensive and thorough, fact-based assessment."

Laura Baughman, President, Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC.

“A must read for anybody interested in the future of textiles and clothing around the world. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the expected adjustment process in usefully underscoring the role of technology and innovation and the growing importance of the business facilitation agenda.”

Carlos A. Primo Braga, Senior Adviser, International Trade Department, The World Bank

08 déc. 2004 234 pages Anglais Egalement disponible en : Français

https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264018556-en 9789264018556 (PDF)

Auteur(s) : OCDE