Delivering Quality Services to All in Alentejo

Preparing Regions for Demographic Change

image of Delivering Quality Services to All in Alentejo

This publication is part of the OECD workstream on Preparing Regions for Demographic Change. It elaborates a case study for the Portuguese region of Alentejo and focuses on improving the delivery of educational services taking into account the multi-level governance context. The study highlights the need to better articulate and co-ordinate the delivery of educational services among levels of government to improve access and quality. It also sheds light on the decisive role that geography plays and the importance of adopting a spatial lens to mitigate the rising inequality present in Portugal in access to education services. Alentejo is a rural region that expects to lose 30% of its population between 2020 and 2080, hence it needs to put in place forward-looking and effective policy levers to delivery sustainable education services to citizens living in rural communities.


Multi-level governance and subnational finance for service provision

In Alentejo, a region with both the largest territory and the lowest population density in Portugal, population decline and ageing pose large challenges for local public service provision, in particular given the ongoing decentralisation reform in Portugal (OECD, 2020[1]). These demographic developments imply, lower demand for education services and higher demand for health care services, which, in turn, requires changes to local public service provision in the region and better articulation and coordination among levels of government. Ageing and population shrinking also puts strong pressure on municipal governments and parishes, confronted with ensuring access to quality public services while striving to maintain human resource and financial capacities.


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