Ageing and the Public Service

Human Resource Challenges

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Government workforces are ageing even more rapidly than the rest of society. This raises specific challenges and opportunities. An ageing public service increases fiscal burdens while decreasing immediate capacities to deliver services. In the long run, however, it also offers a strategic opportunity to downsize the public sector workforce if necessary and to change employment conditions and the management of government employees where this is deemed reasonable. This book reviews the experience of 9 OECD member countries in this field. It presents some conclusions on strategies that countries could implement in order to adjust their human resource policies to the wider ageing challenge. 

English Also available in: French

Ageing and the Public Service in Australia

Ageing is considered one of the three main causes of global changes in the Australian Public Service’s mode of service delivery, together with technological changes and stakeholder needs.1 As a consequence, the level of political and administrative awareness on this issue has increased. The ageing strategy includes a public service-wide restructuring of workforce planning and HR practices.

English Also available in: French

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