Better Regulation in Europe: Greece 2012

image of Better Regulation in Europe: Greece 2012

This review of regulation in Greece maps and analyses the core issues which together make up effective regulatory management, laying down a framework of what should be driving regulatory policy and reform in the future. Issues examined include improving regulatory management, institutional capacities for effective regulation, transparency and processes for effective public consultation and communication, processes for the development of new regulations and for the management of the regulatory stock, compliance rates, enforcement policy. appeal processes, the interface between different levels of government and interface between national processes and those of the EU.


Executive summary

A myriad of factors – economic, social, cultural and political – have led to the current economic crisis in Greece. As such, a range of responses – in terms of new policies, new ways of delivering or implementing them, new ways of thinking and new ways of working – must be employed if Greece is to successfully revitalise its economy and chart a sustainable path to restore market confidence and economic growth. The primary focus to date has been in addressing the most immediate economic issues so as to target deficit levels and to meet conditional requirements set out by the troika in order to secure bailout funds. Addressing spending and expenditure issues alone will not in and of itself provide a solution for Greece. The challenge now for Greece lies in ensuring that both implementation of these issues as well as complementary reform areas are advanced and appropriately implemented without delay.


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