Driving Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development

Accelerating Progress on the SDGs

This report highlights countries’ practices in implementing the OECD Council Recommendation on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD). It illustrates how governments can use institutional mechanisms for PCSD to address complex international problems together – including implementing the 2030 Agenda – and explores how policy coherence principles can be applied to promote whole-of-government approaches to policymaking. The report also applies a PCSD lens to the ocean – one of Earth’s largest global public commons and an obvious cross-border policy challenge. A growing number of countries are developing ocean economy strategies to connect sectoral policy silos, manage ocean resources and regulate ocean activities in a way that supports sustainable development that leaves no one behind.

19 Jul 2023 86 pages English

https://doi.org/10.1787/a6cb4aa1-en 9789264388079 (PDF) 9789264504295 (EPUB)

Author(s): OECD