Documents d’orientation sur la gouvernance publique de l'OCDE

Ces documents fournissent des informations sur les travaux de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance publique, qui examinent comment les gouvernements conçoivent et mettent en œuvre des politiques stratégiques, fondées sur des données factuelles et innovantes pour répondre à des défis divers et tenir les engagements du gouvernement envers les citoyens.

English, French

Eight ways to institutionalise deliberative democracy

This guide for public officials and policy makers outlines eight models for institutionalising representative public deliberation to improve collective decision making and strengthen democracy.

Deliberative bodies like citizens’ assemblies create the democratic spaces for broadly representative groups of people to learn together, grapple with complexity, listen to one another, and find common ground on solutions.

Increasingly, public authorities are reinforcing democracy by making use of deliberative processes in a structural way, beyond one-off initiatives that are often dependent on political will. The guide provides examples of how to create structures that allow representative public deliberation to become an integral part of how certain types of public decisions are taken.


Keywords: Deliberative Wave, Deliberative Democracy, Citizens' Assemblies, Representative Deliberative Processes
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