Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan

image of Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has made important gains in gender equality over the past decade, but gaps still remain. This OECD Review of Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan comes at a moment when Kazakhstan is developing a new Gender Equality and Family Policy up to 2030 which seeks to enable equality of rights, benefits, responsibilities, and opportunities for men and women in all areas of social life, and eliminate all forms of gender discrimination. This review examines the institutional, policy-making and accountability frameworks for advancing and sustaining gender equality and mainstreaming initiatives. It provides actionable policy recommendations based on international good practice and the highest standards of performance, with a view to supporting Kazakhstan’s new policy.

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Embedding gender considerations in public policies in Kazakhstan

Gender mainstreaming is articulated as a goal within the overall National Gender Strategy 2006-16. Steps have been taken to allow for the use of gender mainstreaming tools such as the collection of gender-disaggregated data by an especially dedicated gender statistics unit. Elements of gender analysis of draft legislative acts and Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) within some public entities have been also implemented. However, this chapter observes the need to improve the scope, depth and use of existing gender-disaggregated data, to widen the application of Gender Impact Assessments beyond primary legislation and to better link the allocation of public budgets to expected gender equality results. This chapter examines what tools and mechanisms Kazakhstan is currently using in pursuit of its gender equality objectives. To that end, it references the OECD Recommendation on Gender Equality in Public Life to provide further guidance on how Kazakhstan can ensure inclusive, sustainable gendersensitive policies.


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