Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan

image of Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has made important gains in gender equality over the past decade, but gaps still remain. This OECD Review of Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan comes at a moment when Kazakhstan is developing a new Gender Equality and Family Policy up to 2030 which seeks to enable equality of rights, benefits, responsibilities, and opportunities for men and women in all areas of social life, and eliminate all forms of gender discrimination. This review examines the institutional, policy-making and accountability frameworks for advancing and sustaining gender equality and mainstreaming initiatives. It provides actionable policy recommendations based on international good practice and the highest standards of performance, with a view to supporting Kazakhstan’s new policy.

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Strengthening the impact of gender policies in Kazakhstan

This chapter presents a brief overview of the state of play of gender equality and women's empowerment in Kazakhstan. In the past decade, Kazakhstan made important gains in gender equality with the enactment of the Law on State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women and the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence. There have been also important advances in women’s participation in public life in Kazakhstan, with the current share of women in the House of Representatives at 27.1%. Other areas of achievement include women's integration in the labour market and entrepreneurial activity and significant drop of maternal death rates. Kazakhstan is close to gender parity in access to primary and secondary education with 98.7% net enrolment of girls in primary education in 2015 and ranks among the top countries in this area. Notwithstanding these gains, significant gaps still remain in terms of delivering gender-responsive policies and services at all levels of government. Women still make up for only 8.4% of political-level civil servants; wide gender gaps persist in earnings; and violence against women is still a major problem across the country.


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