OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers

OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers provide timely analysis and information on national and international corporate governance issues and developments, including state ownership and privatisation policies. The working paper series is designed to make select studies by the OECD Corporate Governance Committee, OECD staff members and outside consultants available to a broad audience.


Institutional investors and stewardship

The sustained growth of institutional investors’ assets under management, together with the growing use of passive investment strategies, raises the question of whether existing frameworks adequately address issues related to investor engagement and disclosure. There has been a growth in the regulation of institutional investors and market intermediaries to address conflicts of interest and to enhance their transparency. In parallel, the adoption of stewardship codes and the number of signatories to such codes has been increasing. Their proliferation and to some extent convergence offers insights on recognised good practices. The paper also explores the apparent increase in engagement among institutional investors with respect to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, their increasing reliance on ESG ratings and data services, and whether regulatory frameworks or guidance should evolve to take into account these new developments.


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