Integrating Responsible Business Conduct in Public Procurement

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Society has become increasingly aware of environmental and human rights-related risks in global supply chains in recent years. Public procurement can make a positive contribution to economic, environmental and social progress. If not used strategically, though, people and the planet may face more negative impacts. Meanwhile, governments and businesses face calls to take greater responsibility for their purchasing decisions. Risk-based supply chain due diligence can help public buyers to boost responsible business behaviour through public procurement.

This report takes stock of current practices integrating responsible business conduct (RBC) in public procurement and identifies possible avenues to increase the impact of public procurement strategies to promote responsible business conduct objectives. Based on a survey with both OECD Members and Adherents to OECD instruments on public procurement and RBC, it covers a wide geographical range and features data focused on responsible business conduct aspects in public procurement. The report encourages policy makers and practitioners in public procurement and RBC to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders, drawing on good practices from across policy areas.



At the Federal level, Mexico has two general regulatory frameworks regarding public acquisitions, 1) the Acquisitions Act dedicated to goods and services, 2) the Public Works Act. These frameworks include the following RBC objectives – additional frameworks apply, depending on the RBC objective:


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