Life-Cycle Costing in Public Procurement in Hungary

Stocktaking of Good Practices

image of Life-Cycle Costing in Public Procurement in Hungary

This report provides Hungary with key recommendations and policy options to establish comprehensive and user-friendly methodologies and tools for the greater uptake of life-cycle costing (LCC) methodology in public procurement. The report introduces the concept of LCC and its links to the wider sustainable public procurement agenda, and maps the current practices in Hungary and existing LCC tools in other EU and OECD countries, with a view of drawing insights to promote the development and uptake of LCC tools.



Used strategically, public procurement can contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development (SDGs) as it can support achieving broader policy objectives in many domains, from innovation to social and economic dimensions. Additionally, public procurement is a powerful tool for fulfilling the objectives of the European Green Deal, which emphasises the need to take climate and environmental criteria into account in all policy areas and calls upon governments to lead by example by investing in environmentally friendly technologies, ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings, and using sustainable and green public procurement.


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