OECD e-Government Studies: Norway 2005

image of OECD e-Government Studies: Norway 2005

This review is the first study that undertakes an in-depth analysis of e-government in Norway from a whole-of-government perspective. It looks at the progress to date and the remaining challenges the Norwegian government faces in implementing e-government and provides a detailed analysis of the e-government policy cycle, focusing on the role of the central state as a policy actor. The report also provides proposals for action to improve the delivery of electronic services to citizens, to understand public demand for online services and participation in government, to develop frameworks for monitoring and evaluation of e-government, to respond to agencies’ demands for more central guidance, and to improve co-ordination.   


User-focused E-government

In common with most OECD countries, a real understanding of user demand has not yet become a major driver for e-government in Norway. Despite Norway’s high Internet penetration and the readiness of the population to use the Internet, limited efforts have been undertaken at the central government level to understand user preferences and needs with regard to online services. Government has put great emphasis on helping orient the user as a key element of e-government strategy, but few agencies have taken concrete steps to engage the user in the development of e-government services. In terms of simple one-way electronic data reporting systems, Norway has made significant progress in developing common solutions for serving both citizens and businesses (e.g. ALTINN, the business data reporting system). However, when it comes to provision of advanced interactive online services, development has been less rapid. In Norway there are also relatively few projects to improve citizen online consultation and participation in policy making being undertaken by central government.


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