OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Italy 2009

Better Regulation to Strengthen Market Dynamics

image of OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Italy 2009
This review presents a general picture of the overall regulatory reform frameworks in Italy, examining quality regulation, competition policy and professional services. The review also offers a special focus on multi-level governance, where key issues include local public services, commercial distribution, local transport and energy.

The review finds that Italy has made significant progress using regulatory reform since the first OECD review in 2001. Administrative simplification and the increasing role of competition policy, combined with devolution of state powers to regions, have helped. But there are still key challenges for regulatory policy and its implementation, including enforcement, capacity in the civil service, impact analysis for evidence-based decision-making, and building a culture of consultation. The current global economic crisis is an opportunity for Italy to further clarify how the state intervenes in the economy, to improve multi-level co-ordination, and to expand competition in specific sectors.


The Challenges of Efficient Regulation in a Multi-level Governance Context

This chapter discusses the challenges of efficient regulation in a multi-level governance context. The chapter analyses the role of the new regional statutes and of the co-ordination mechanisms between the national, regional and local levels. The chapter discusses the interface between the regions and the EU. The use of regulatory tools at regional level is analysed in some detail, including legal drafting, consultation and communication, regulatory impact analysis, as well as legislative and administrative simplification. The chapter also discusses compliance, enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms at local level, as well as legislative review and ex post evaluation.


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