SIGMA Public Procurement Briefs

  • Discontinued
SIGMA Public Procurement Briefs provide input for training systems that are in compliance with EU public procurement legislation and practices and with related national legislations. They contribute to the improvement of professional skills of procurement officers and managers – both in the public sector (contracting authorities) and the private sector (economic operators). Some of the briefs are available in other languages, namely Armenian, Azeri, Romanian and Russian


Performance Measurement

Public procurement contracts represent a major share of any country’s GDP and public expenditure budget. This fact alone provides sound reasons for analysing the performance of public procurement operations at all levels. Performance measurement is about seeking to answer the fundamental question of whether the procurement system and operations ultimately deliver in accordance with the main objectives set. SIGMA Brief 21 explains the rationale for measuring performance in public procurement, the benefits of effective performance management and also gives guidance on how to measure performance. Finally, it sets out some examples of methodologies which could be used to determine performance at different levels of the public procurement system.


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