OECD Public Governance Policy Papers

These Papers provide insights from OECD work on public governance, which looks at how governments design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative policies to respond to diverse and challenges and deliver on government’s commitments to citizens.

English, French

Promoting accountability, control and oversight in response and recovery funds in the Asia Pacific Region

This policy paper aims to promote accountability, control and oversight in response and recovery funds in the Asia Pacific region. It details and builds upon the response and recovery funds that were disbursed during the COVID-19 pandemic, to improve control and oversight, both in the short term in the aftermath of a crisis and in the medium to long term. The paper brings together experience and insights from risk management, audit and anti-corruption functions within government. Its specific focus covers: 1) the response and recovery funds disbursed during the COVID-19 crisis; 2) controls and accountability challenges in emergency situations; and 3) lessons learned and recommendations going forward.


Keywords: Transparency and Accounability, Response and Recovery
JEL: M42: Business Administration and Business Economics; Marketing; Accounting; Personnel Economics / Accounting and Auditing / Auditing
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