Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections in the Environmental Sector of Peru

image of Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections in the Environmental Sector of Peru

To meet their policy objectives, regulations must be accompanied by a carefully designed and well-implemented enforcement strategy, including inspections. This report provides an assessment of the enforcement and inspections strategy in the environmental sector in Peru along with recommendations to strengthen this strategy. The report evaluates the policies and legal framework of the Environmental Evaluation and Enforcement Agency of Peru, as well as its practices and the resources employed in enforcement and inspections activities. It also offers policy options to improve performance. The benchmark for the comparative analysis is the OECD Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections Toolkit. Using a checklist of 12 criteria, this Toolkit provides a simple tool for assessing the inspection and enforcement system in a given jurisdiction, institution or structure.

English Also available in: Spanish

Co-ordination and consolidation

This chapter covers the institutional mandates and structures in place to foster co-ordination among enforcement and environmental agencies in Peru. Co-ordination is a key element to avoid duplication of functions and increase efficiency in the delivery of regulation. The section presents OEFA’s role and attributions as an enforcement and co-ordinating agency. It provides recommendations in line with the OECD’s best practice principles to improve information sharing and promote the consolidation of inspection functions.

English Also available in: Spanish

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