Regulatory Policy in Mexico

Towards a Whole-of-Government Perspective to Regulatory Improvement

image of Regulatory Policy in Mexico

Mexico has made several efforts to design and implement a regulatory improvement policy over the past several years. The institutions involved in the better regulation policy have played a key role in enhancing regulatory quality. This includes the Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission (COFEMER), the Ministry of Economy, and the Ministry of Public Administration. Mexico now has two decades of experience in the application of Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). Over this period, it has continued to expand the scope of RIA, to refine and improve the specific requirements and to invest substantial resources in implementation. Recently, Mexico has adopted the internationally recognised Standard Cost Model, which has brought a renewed impetus across the federal government to reduce administrative burdens generated by formalities. There is also a thriving multi-level regulatory governance programme. As a result, Mexico is currently at a stage where positive results are being obtained. However, this is not the time to slow down; instead, further work should be fostered to step up to a new phase of regulatory quality which embeds an effective and profound regulatory improvement culture across the federal government.


Foreword and Acknowledgements

The OECD Review of Regulatory Policy in Mexico is a country report carried out under the programme of work of the Regulatory Policy Committee of the OECD. The review methodology has developed over two decades of peer learning. It draws on and is grounded in a number of OECD instruments including: the 1995 Recommendation of the Council of the OECD on Improving the Quality of Government Regulation; the 2005 Guiding Principles for Regulatory Quality and Performance; and the 2012 Recommendation of the OECD Council on Regulatory Policy and Governance. The country reviews follow a multi-disciplinary approach and focus on the government’s capacity to manage regulatory policy. Taken as a whole, the reviews demonstrate that a well-structured and implemented programme of regulatory policy can make a significant contribution to better economic performance and enhanced social welfare. Economic growth, job creation, innovation, investment and new industries are boosted by effective regulatory policy, which also helps to bring lower prices and more choices for consumers.


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