Regulatory Reform in Brazil

image of Regulatory Reform in Brazil

Removing unnecessary barriers to competition through targeted reforms can foster productivity and economic growth. This Regulatory Reform Review of Brazil analyses sectors that create barriers to competition, such as regulations that create obstacles to the entry of firms, inhibit the entry of firms, or restrict activities in professional and network sectors. In a complementary way, the review also identifies government efforts to develop policies and tools to improve the quality of regulations, such as ex ante assessment of draft regulations, stakeholder engagement in rule making, and administrative simplification. High-quality regulations can stimulate productivity by encouraging the efficient allocation of resources and promoting innovation. In turn, these measures can reduce prices for consumers, stimulate the creation of jobs, and help improve living standards. The review identifies areas for reform to bring the country’s regulations and institutional arrangements more in line with international best practices. It demonstrates how a proportional, clear, and efficient regulatory framework can drive improvements in Brazil’s economic performance and the welfare of its citizens.

English Also available in: Portuguese

Ex ante assessment of regulation and stakeholder engagement in rulemaking in Brazil

Brazil has introduced a regulatory impact assessment system to assess the effects of regulatory emission and modification. The RIA system was planned as a gradual implementation, with some ministries and institutions adopting the tool first, followed by the rest of ministries six months later including a pilot phase for selected ministries. This chapter outlines the main aspects of the system, including the governance arrangements and practical aspects of the early stages. The chapter also presents the state of public consultation for regulatory production.

English Also available in: Portuguese

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