The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan

Progress and Challenges

image of The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan

Corruption is a serious concern in many parts of the world. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, transition processes provided particularly rich ground for corruption. This volume analyses a broad range of anti-corruption measures recently implemented in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and identifies where interim progress has been achieved, and where further or reinforced action is needed. The book covers such areas as: anti-corruption strategies, and action plans and mechanisms to monitor their implementation; as well as anti-corruption criminal legislation and its application in practice, including the key role of specialised, independent and well-resourced anti-corruption law-enforcement bodies. The volume also examines a diverse range of measures to prevent corruption among public officials, in political parties, and in the private sector. It  is rich with country data and practical examples, and will provide a useful source of information for anti-corruption decision makers and practitioners in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and beyond. 


Role of OECD Anti-Corruption Network in Fighting Corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN) was established by national governments, civil society organisations, international organisations and donor agencies at the regional workshop “Combating Corruption in Transition Economies” convened by the OECD and the USAID in October 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey. The main objective of the ACN is to support exchange of experience, mutual learning and development of best practices in the field of fighting corruption in the region. To reach this objective the ACN organises a range of activities, including General Meetings to discuss achievements, challenges and emerging priorities on the anticorruption agenda in this region, and expert seminars to address selected priority issues in more detail. The ACN also undertakes research studies and prepares analytical papers to provide practical reference materials to practitioners in the region. The Secretariat of the ACN is based at the OECD Anti-Corruption Division. Information about the ACN activities is provided on the ACN website.


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