Towards Agile ICT Procurement in the Slovak Republic

Good Practices and Recommendations

image of Towards Agile ICT Procurement in the Slovak Republic

Procurement of information and communication technologies (ICT) plays a decisive role not only in public-service delivery but in public-sector modernisation. This report takes stock of current ICT procurement practices in the Slovak Republic and provides evidence-based strategic policy advice for the Slovak Government on how to adopt more innovative and agile approaches in ICT procurement. It presents examples from OECD countries on ICT procurement reforms and the use of innovative, flexible approaches for public procurement of ICT.


Current practices of ICT public procurement in the Slovak Republic

This chapter presents the general characteristics of the public procurement system in the Slovak Republic and the National Digital Agenda of the Slovak Republic. It also presents the state of play in ICT procurement in the Slovak Republic: assessment of the current trends in ICT procurement based on e-procurement database, interviews with stakeholders, analysis of the financial and legal framework. It identifies the main bottlenecks in the current policy and regulatory framework as well as in the practice. It also summarises the efforts of the Slovak government to achieve efficiency in ICT expenditure. Finally, it compares the Slovak practices with other similar purchasing segments in other EU and OECD countries and presents agile approaches in public procurement.


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