Understanding the Drivers of Trust in Government Institutions in Korea

image of Understanding the Drivers of Trust in Government Institutions in Korea

The erosion of public trust challenges government’s capacity to implement policies and carry out reforms. While Korea has achieved and maintained rapid economic growth and development, and performs comparatively well in several existing measures of the quality of public administration, trust in government institutions is relatively low. This pioneering case study presents a measurement and policy framework of the drivers of institutional trust and explores some policy avenues Korea could take to restore trust in public institutions.


Executive summary

The erosion of public trust presents countries with complex and multidimensional challenges that have implications across a range of inter-related policy drivers, including institutional aspects, political events and cultural factors. From a public governance perspective, trust in public institutions can be considered as a final outcome, which is influenced by the performance of public institutions in terms of core competences and values. For the first time, this report offers a comprehensive analysis of these challenges, drawing on the Korean experience and on original data from a unique survey, which allowed bringing the citizens’ voice in this crucial policy debate.


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