Enhancing the Role of SMEs in Global Value Chains

image of Enhancing the Role of SMEs in Global Value Chains

The globalisation of production processes characterises the current phase of globalisation. Participation in global value chains (GVCs) can bring stability to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and allow them to increase productivity and expand their business. This OECD report identifies the ways in which governments, the business community, and international organisations can facilitate SMEs’ gainful participation in global value chains through policies, practices and targeted support programmes. It presents the findings of case studies carried out in five industries (the automotive sector, scientific and precision instruments, software, film production and distribution and tourism).


SMEs and Global Value Chains: Case Studies Findings

This chapter presents the findings of the case studies carried out in several OECD and non-OECD member economies in the five industries selected for the study (i.e. automotive, scientific and precision instruments, software, tourism, and film production and distribution). The case studies began by gathering the basic information necessary to draw an ‘identity card’ of the enterprises interviewed, in particular detailing the number of employees, the turnover, the ownership structure, the location(s), and the products or services supplied. The investigation then focused on the core issues in order to understand value chains and their structure; the co-operation with and dependence on other players in the chain(s); the role of technology, innovation, standards, and intellectual property rights (IPRs); and the SMEs’ expectations with respect to the role of government in facilitating and supporting their participation in GVC. As explained in Chapter 3, the main characteristics and emerging patterns of the five industries were analysed on the basis of desk work and interviews with key players. The results of that analysis constituted the background context for the interpretation of the case studies’ findings.


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