Entrepreneurship in Regional Innovation Clusters

Case Study of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Thailand

image of Entrepreneurship in Regional Innovation Clusters

This report evaluates how to strengthen Thailand's SME and entrepreneurship policies to promote innovative entrepreneurship and SME innovation at regional level. This is critical in supporting a shift towards a more innovation-driven and regionally-balanced economy in Thailand. The report illustrates the needs by taking a specific policy case, namely activating new and small firms in the development of an innovation cluster in the advanced agriculture and biotechnology and food for the future sectors in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai regions in northern Thailand.

The report examines policy options in four major areas affecting the cluster: strengthening the local entrepreneurship ecosystem for example in scale-up finance and entrepreneurial culture; upgrading business development services so they that the match the requirements of SME innovation; attracting foreign direct investment and brokering supply chain linkages with local SMEs; and creating a cluster management organisation to co-ordinate policy.

The report makes policy recommendations illustrated by international inspiring policy practice examples in each area. It shares a vision for translating Thailand's new-found biotechnology research strengths into economic development by stimulating innovation absorption by SMEs and commercialisation by start-ups and scale-ups.


Clusters and new industry path development

This chapter examines new industry path development opportunities in advanced agriculture and biotechnology and food-for-the-future in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. These can occur through the integration of scientific biotechnology knowledge in the products of start-ups and scale-ups together with integration of engineering and marketing knowledge in these firms. A regional cluster management organisation could enable the exploitation of these opportunities by creating linkages between SMEs and universities and research organisations for the exchange of knowledge to promote new product development and sales.


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