Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2019

An OECD Scoreboard

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Sufficient and affordable access to different sources of finance is crucial to allow SMEs and entrepreneurs to reach their full potential. The 8th edition of the Scoreboard on SME and Entrepreneurship Finance report provides data from 46 countries around the world on debt finance, alternative finance instruments and financing conditions, as well as information on policy initiatives to improve their access to finance.

In 2017, SME bank credit increased at a modest pace in many countries and declined in some others, in the context of broadly positive macroeconomic conditions, improvements in the business environment and accommodative credit conditions. In contrast, volumes were generally up for most other sources of finance relevant for SMEs and entrepreneurs, such as leasing, factoring, online alternative finance, and venture capital investments. At the same time, a growing share of SMEs relied on self-financing for their investment needs and cash flow requirements in 2017.

The thematic chapter of this publication investigates the potential for SMEs to leverage their intangible assets to access external finance, especially debt.

English Also available in: French

Fostering the use of Intangibles to strengthen SME access to finance

This chapter provides an overview of how intangible assets can be relevant for SMEs to obtain external funding, with a focus on debt financing. It describes the challenges with respect to intangible-backed financing and presents the case for possible policy intervention. Drawing on government initiatives throughout different countries, the chapter concludes with policy implications and lessons learned.The chapter is based on a publication in the OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Policy Papers series by Martin Brassell, CFE consultant, and CEO Inngot Limited, and Kris Boschmans, Policy Analyst, OECD/CFE/SMEE.https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/economics/fostering-the-use-of-intangibles-to-strengthen-sme-access-to-finance_729bf864-en


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