Italy: Key Issues and Policies

image of Italy: Key Issues and Policies

This review underlines some important points of strength with respect to Italian SMEs and entrepreneurship, notably for medium-sized firms that very often excel in their market niches, have a strong propensity to business collaboration, as well as favourable access to finance. The review also looks at the challenges that lie ahead for Italy, hard hit by the global economic crisis, notably among micro and small firms. Recovery will mean, among other things, removing barriers to business growth, streamlining the complexity of the Italian tax system, and opening the business environment to competition, foreign direct investment and equity financing, as well as improving training and workforce skills.


The strategic framework and policy delivery system in Italy

This chapter examines the strategic framework for the formulation of SME and entrepreneurship policy in Italy, including the Statute of Enterprises, the national SME Envoy and the Annual SME Law. It then turns to the roles and responsibilities of different public sector organisations and initiatives in delivering policy, including questions of policy coherence and accessibility to SMEs and entrepreneurs. The chapter highlights the importance of implementing the Annual SME Law and its proposed policy actions in practice, extending the reach of business support services to nascent entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from under-represented and disadvantaged groups, and strengthening the policy coordination role of the SME Envoy.


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